Karaoke Music / Chansons English-4 / Neil Diamond - Play Me

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

She was morning and I was night time
I one day woke up to find her lying
Beside my bed I softly said
"Come take me"

For I've been lonely in need of someone
As though I'd done someone wrong somewhere
I don't know where come lately

You are the sun I am the moon
You are the words I am the tune Play me

Song she sang to me
Song she brang to me
Words that rang in me
Rhyme that sprang from me
Warmed the night
And what was right became me

You are the sun I am the moon
You are the words I am the tune play me


And so it was that I came to travel
Upon a road that was thorned and narrrow
Another place another grace
Would save me

You are the sun I am the moon
You are the word I am the tune play me
You are the sun I am the moon
You are the word I am the tune play me
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